Most families choose to continue lessons throughout the summer, even if they can't commit to a lesson every week. Continuing lessons is very important to prevent the regression of piano-playing skills. If you decide to stop having lessons during the summer, please encourage your student to continue playing and reading music.
The 2022 Summer Session, tentatively, will run from June through mid-August.
The fee will be $20.00 for each 45-minute lesson. Students may choose to continue in their regular lesson books, or to study only praise, only pops, one large piece, improvising, composing, duets, etc.
Please supply the following information and send it to me to reserve your spot. If you have questions, contact me.
Parent's Name:
Home Phone, cell phone:
Student's name(s):
Please indicate your time preference: early morning, late morning, early afternoon, later afternoon, early evening
Times/Days when we cannot come (camp, vacation, etc.)